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7193 http://lumma.org/stuff/5-limit_Linear_Temp.xls * ~~~ (Wayb.)
7192 http://lumma.org/stuff/Mizarian_Porcupine_Overture.mp3 * ~~~ (Wayb.), 7193 * , 7195 * , 7203 *
7533 http://lumma.org/tuning/doh.png - Type Ok * ~~~ (Wayb.), 7547 *
7378 Music Theory from Paul Erlich * ~~~ (Wayb.), 7383 *
7612 http://lumma.org/tuning/erlich/erlich-tFoT.pdf - Type Ok * ~~~ (Wayb.), 7613 * , 7633 *
7211 http://lumma.org/tuning/tcmo/glassic.mp3 * ~~~ (Wayb.), 7230 *
7211 http://lumma.org/tuning/tctmo/ * ~~~ (Wayb.), 7214 * , 7230 * , 7231 * , 7234 * , 7272 *
7211 http://lumma.org/tuning/tctmo/mizarian.mp3 * ~~~ (Wayb.), 7230 *
7166 Codimension -- from MathWorld * ~~~
7388 http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FreeAbelianGroup.html * ~~~
7389 Group Rank -- from MathWorld * ~~~
7178 Hermitian Inner Product -- from MathWorld * ~~~, 7183 * , 7184 *
7387 Injection -- from MathWorld * ~~~, 7390 *
7128 Metric -- from MathWorld * ~~~, 7160 * , 7175 *
7501 Orthogonal Complement -- from MathWorld * ~~~
7178 http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PositiveDefiniteQuadraticForm.html * ~~~, 7183 * , 7184 *
7178 http://mathworld.wolfram.com/QuadraticForm.html * ~~~, 7183 * , 7184 *
7178 Symmetric Bilinear Form -- from MathWorld * ~~~, 7183 * , 7184 *
7114 Linear Temperament Finding Home * ~~~ (Wayb.)
7114 Temperament Finder * ~~~ (Wayb.)
7212 bosanquet * ~~~ (Wayb.)
7685 Definitions of tuning terms: 7-nominal "8ve"-equivalent staff, (c)... * ~~~ (Wayb.)
7208 Definitions of tuning terms: constant structure, (c) 1999 by Joe Monzo * ~~~ (Wayb.)
7066 Definitions of tuning terms: equal temperament, (c) 1998 by Joe Monzo * ~~~ (Wayb.), 7070 *

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